SVG-FTG is a free program to generate Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), in combination with HTML, CSS and Javascript, to display interactive family trees on your website or blog. Unlike normal images, SVG does not go all fuzzy when you zoom in. The designer supports complete control over layout, thumbnail images, hover text, HTML biographical or historical notes, GEDCOM import and export (5.5.1 and 7.0), scrolling/zooming of individual trees, time-line reports, and linked trees. Optional special effects include custom frames for person-boxes, 3-D trees, and drop-shadows. As of V6.3, person-boxes can be circular or oval (see associated blog-post for more details).
SVG-FTG is quite unlike other tools, not just in the technology that it employs but in the functionality that it offers. Rather than simple static trees that you can present through a web browser, it allow you to interact with the trees in order to obtain more details about the persons, their properties, and their relationships. You can also link to other trees, allowing you to divide up your extended family into separate groups. There are several packaged interactive applications ("apps") that can be optionally run from your tree, such as the time-line reports mentioned above, and an open framework to develop and register your own custom apps. These apps can be configured to respond to clicks on persons or families in your trees.
The designer is Windows-based but the output is neutral and runs in all modern browsers. NB: the output is non-proprietary, royalty-free, and needs nothing to be installed first; hence, it is ideal for sharing with friends and family.
Supported mouse operations in this small example:
On touch-screen devices, a tap is registered as a click.
SVG-FTG can attach predefined or custom apps to mouse operations on the person-boxes, thumbnail images, or the family-circles. They can also be attached to optional buttons in any of the corners of the person-boxes. The associated button icons can be predefined or custom. The interactive applications offer considerable scope for power users: those who are capable of adding a small amount of code to provide their own desired functionality. SVG-FTG also offers several features to help integration with other software, including iframe support and automation for the designer.
SVG-FTG has support for web-based image galleries that can be browsed, or searched for people or places (or combinations thereof) mentioned in your trees. The associated image notes use rich-text and so can include images, scans, and tabbed content.
Latest version is 6.3.3
"SVG Family-Tree Generator (v6.3)" (27 Mar 2022).
"SVG Family-Tree Generator (v6.2)" (31 Dec 2021).
"SVG Family-Tree Generator (v6.1)" (13 Nov 2021).
"What is SVG? Publishing Trees for Free" (16 Apr 2021).
"SVG Family-Tree Generator (v6.0)" (26 Mar 2021).
"SVG Family-Tree Generator (v5.0)" (08 Sep 2018).
"More on SVG Family Trees" (02 Oct 2017).
"Interactive Trees in Blogs Using SVG" (09 May 2017).
There was a dedicated Facebook support group, but it was discontinued on 18 June 2023. The author still accepts communication via the 'Contact form' located in the right margin of the associated blog posts.
The installation kit, PDF documentation, and samples can all be downloaded from the following Dropbox folder. Please take note of the Installation.pdf document before installing.
The Versions.txt file summarises the changes in each release.
Several instructional videos are available on the author's YouTube channel.
GenSoftReviews (site taken down on 20 June 2023). Also, an article in the UK Family Tree magazine (readable copy at free to view), and an associated online interview with the author.