The Jersey Houses

Some of the addresses that the family lived at, or worked at, on Jersey.

First known date Last known date Address Notes
1875 1876 17 Garden Lane
1880 54 Clearview St From Jersey Express Almanac
1880 1882 57 Great Union Rd
1884 1889 52 New Street Tobacconist shop
1891 17 Garden Lane This was also their first address
1898 1901 25 Garden Lane
1909 10 York St
1933 1946 Val Poucin Farm, Grouville
1933 1948 Talana, Bagot Rd There's now a Talana hotel on that road
1967 present Sion Hall Farm, Longueville Desecendants of Dorrie and Jim Langlois

Garden Lane, St. Helier
57 Great Union Road, St. Helier
57 Great Union Road, St. Helier (more recent)
52 New Street, St. Helier (was tobacconist)
10 York Street, St. Helier (Bella Italia is 10-12, tobacconist must be 8)
Val Poucin, Grouville