Frawley Family History

The Kilmaley Years

The Frawleys came from Lehaknock, Kilmaley, in Co. Clare, also sometimes spelled Leaghaknock. The name derives from the Irish Leath-a'-chnuic, or half hill. They were predominantly farming folk, although with at least one publican in the family. Their surname was often spelled "Fraley" in the older records.

The active map below shows the location where Paddy and Simon Frawley lived in Lehaknock, until their passing in 1988 and 1999, respectively. The farmhouse lies on the south-side of the R474, about half-a-mile west of the Kilmaley shop, pub, and petrol station. The corresponding static image marks the house with a red dot, just before the "Frawley's cross" junction.

There are about four properties in Lehaknock. By the 1901 census, two were occupied by Frawleys while the other two were Quealy and Hehir. By 1911, there was only one Frawley residence, but the Quealy and Hehir families were still there. In fact, these families were all resident here even in 1821.

In the very early 1800s, there appear to be two Maurice Frawleys in this small community, married to different people and with different children, one of whom was also a Maurice. At the moment, it is uncertain how they relate to subsequent generations as there is a gap in the records. Hence, the family tree page shows a number of disconnected groups. The County Clare Tithe Applotment Books showing occupiers of land in the Parish of Kilmaley on 24th of December 1826 don't quite solve the puzzle.

Michael Frawley (1805) married a Sarah Cammel, and Cammel is likely a corruption of Campbell. This is slightly interesting because Campbell came into the more recent generations.

Surname Forename Townland Parish Notes
Frawley Maurice (Pat'k) Leaghaknock Kilmaley Maurice Frawley (Pat'k)
Frawley John Leaghaknock Kilmaley
Frawley Maurice (Math'w) Leaghaknock Kilmaley Maurice Frawley (Math'w)
Carrigg Michael Leaghaknock Kilmaley Michael Carrigg & John Frawley (Mich'l)
Frawley John (Mich'l) Leaghaknock Kilmaley Michael Carrigg & John Frawley (Mich'l)
Frawley Mau'ce (John) Leaghaknock Kilmaley Mau'ce Frawley (John) & Michael Frawley
Frawley Michael Leaghaknock Kilmaley Mau'ce Frawley (John) & Michael Frawley

The Griffith's valuation of tenements in 1855 lists Michael Frawley, as shown opposite.

The table below is a list of freeholders (including landlords and tenants) from Lehaknock in 1821. At that time, freeholders rented land from the landlord, but were entitled to sublet portions to mere tenants. This suggests that the freeholders in the following tables were of an older generation to the tenants.

Tenant Surname
Tenant Forename
Surname of Freeholder
Forename of Freeholder
Place of Abode
Situation of Freehold
Forename of Landlord
Surname of Landlord
Fraly Maurice Fraly John Lahaknock Lehaknock Thos., Esq. Crowe Islands
Fraly Maurice Fraly John Lahaknock Lehaknock Thos., Esq. Crowe Islands
Frawly Maurice Fraly John Laughaknock Laughaknock Thomas, Esq. Crowe Islands
Frawly Maurice Fraly Maurice Lahaknock Lahaknock Thos., Esq. Crowe Islands
Frawly Michael Fraly John Laughaknock Laughaknock Thomas, Esq. Crowe Islands
Frawly Michael Fraly Maurice Lahaknock Lahaknock Thos., Esq. Crowe Islands

List of freeholders (including landlords and tenants), showing dates of registration

Situation of Freehold
Forename of Freeholder
Surname of Freeholder
Place of Abode
Forename of Landlord
Surname of Landlord
Names of Lives or other Tenure
Date of Registry
Lahaknock Maurice Fraly Lahaknock Thos., Esq. Crowe 40s Maurice Frawly Michael Frawly July 19, 1819 Islands
Laughaknock John Fraly Laughaknock Thomas, Esq. Crowe 40s Maurice Frawly Michael Frawly October 15, 1817 Islands
Lehaknock John Fraly Lahaknock Thos., Esq. Crowe 40s Maurice Fraly Maurice Fraly October 27, 1817 Islands

This site is located via

Author, Anthony C. Proctor, currently lives in rural Ireland.