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Born c1805. In 1855 Griffith’s valuation, Michael is a tenant of Thomas Crowe at Lehaknock, Kilmaley. Michael died 5/4/1885 in Lehaknock, Co. Clare of 'Rheumatism, 3 months, no med att'. Wife, Sarah, present at death (headstone tran. says 15th April, but may be burial date??).
Event(31/3/1901): Census. Addr: house 3 in Lehaknock, Killaniv, Clare. Occ(Sarah, widow): 'Head of family'. Age 80 (probably estimate). Birth: Co. Clare.
aka "Sally". Born c1815. Sarah died 20/10/1902 at Lehaknock of 'Cardiac failure, undefined, no med attendant'. Occ: 'Publican's widow', age 87 (d.o.b 1815), Michael Frawley (grandson) present at death.
{} Baptised 17/2/1843 at Rathcrona (about 3 miles from Lehaknock) to Michael and Sarah. Bridget died 10/1/1911 (needs checking). {1901 census}: Addr: Caherea, Lisheen, Co. Clare;
{} Baptised 4/2/1847 at Lehaknock to Michael and Sarah. Surname recorded as "Fraly".
{} Baptised: June 1849 at Lehaknock to Michael and Sally. Surname recorded as "Fraly".
{} Baptised May 1852 at Lehaknock to Michael and Sarah. Surname recorded as "Fraly".
{} Baptised December 1854 at Lehaknock to Michael and Sally (maybe twin to Simon).
Born 1854 in Co. Clare. {} Baptised December 1854 at Lehaknock to Michael and Sally (maybe twin to Catherine).
Event(31/3/1901): Census. Addr: house 2 in Lehaknock, Killaniv, Clare. Occ(Simon): ‘Farmer’; Event(2/4/1911): Census. Addr: house 1 in Lehaknock, Killanniv, Clare. Occ(Simon): ‘Farmer'.
Simon died 31/3/1912 at Lehaknock of 'Bronchitia, no med attendance'. age 57 (d.o.b. 1855). Occ: 'Farmer'. Inf: Michael Frawley (son).
Event(31/3/1901): Census. Addr: house 2 in Lehaknock, Killaniv, Clare. Occ(Michael): ‘Farmer's Son’.
Event(2/4/1911): Census. Addr: house 1 in Lehaknock, Killanniv, Clare. Occ: ‘Farmers Son’.
Michael died 20/5/1953 in Lehaknock, Kilmaley, Co. Clare; Bur: Kilmaley; Margaret died 2/7/1976 and buried Kilmaley;
Born. c1857 in Co. Clare). Mary died 13/5/1919 at Lehaknock of 'Persistent vomiting, no med att'. Age 60 (d.o.b 1859). Occ: 'Farmer's wife'. Michael Frawley (son) present at death;
aka "Gretta". Margaret died 2/7/1976.
aka "Paddy". Paddy was born 28/3/1922 in Lehaknock. Paddy died on 2nd July 1988. He is buried in Kilmaley.
Simon was born 14/5/1923 in Lehaknock. Simon died on 14th of March 1999. He is buried in Kilmaley.
Aka "Mollie". Born 25/8/1884 at Lehaknock, Ennis, Co. Clare. Occ(father, Simon): 'Farmer'. Mother's surname: Burke.
Event(31/3/1901): Census. Addr: house 2 in Lehaknock, Killaniv, Clare.
aka "Sal". Born 3/10/1887 at Lehaknock, Ennis, Co. Clare. Occ(father, Simon): 'Farmer'. Mother's surname: Burke.
{from Breda} Sent to England to be educated with cousins in Manchester.
Event(31/3/1901): UK Census [RG12/3749/50/51]. Addr: St. Chad’s Convent, Manchester. Occ: ' Elementary teacher'. Birth: Kilmaley, Ennis.
Event(2/4/1911): Census [RG14PN24116 RG78PN1386 RD466 SD2 ED1 SN105]. Addr: St Chad's Convent, Cheetham, Manchester (boarder). Occ: 'Elementary teacher'. Birth: Kilmaley Ennis.
Sarah died in 1960 [1960/Q1/10E/262]; {Probate Calendar} METCALFE Sarah of 9 Milverton Road Victoria Park Manchester widow died 15 January 1960 at Withington Hospital Manchester 20 Probate Manchester 24 February to District Bank Limited.
aka "Delia Bridget". Born 3/1/1889 at Lehaknock, Ennis, Co. Clare. Occ(father, Simon): 'Farmer'. Mother's surname: Burke.
Event(31/3/1901): Census. Addr: house 2 in Lehaknock, Killaniv, Clare.
Event(2/4/1911): Census RG14PN23975 RD465 SD1 ED44 SN9999]. Addr: Salford Reunion Infirmary, Hope Pendleton, Salford, Pendleton, Lancs. Occ: 'Hospital nurse'. Birth: 1889 in 'Co Clare Ennis (resident)' (there was only one Jane in Ennis).
{1939 register} There's a Delia B. Frawley at 49 Belper Road, Ashbourne, Derbys (2 hrs from Manchester). Occ: 'School teacher'. Unmarried but her d.o.b is recorded as 2/3/1891. No Jane found. Annotation added PWC/447/7734 (Post War Credit refund claim).
Jane died 2/6/1953 in Manchester; {Probate Calendar} FRAWLEY Delia Bridget of 9 Milverton-road Victoria Park, Manchester 14 spinster died 2 June 1953 Administration (with Will) Manchester 6 August to Sarah Metcalfe widow.
aka “Patty”. Born 5/6/1894 at Lehaknock, Ennis, Co. Clare. Name recorded as "Patt". Occ(father, Simon): 'Farmer'. Mother's surname: Burke.
Event(31/3/1901): Census. Addr: house 2 in Lehaknock, Killaniv, Clare.
Event(2/4/1911): Census. Addr: house 1 in Lehaknock, Killanniv, Clare. Occ: ‘Farmers Son’.
Was Garda in Stradbally, Co. Waterford, at the time that the postman Larry Griffin went missing in 1929. Lost job as a result of the case; {The Missing Postman – Fachtna O’Drisceoil}. Sometime after 1937, the family moved to Ferrybank where Patrick worked for Clover Meats Ltd.
Patrick died 26/6/1954 at St Patrick’s Hospital, Waterford. Buried Ferrybank.
aka "Phil". Born 14 Feb 1925 at St Aidans, Ferns, Enniscorthy. Occ(father): 'Civic Guard'. Inf: Brigid Frawley (mother). Died 8 Aug 2007 in New York. Ashes buried Ferrybank, Waterford.
Born 17 May 1916 at 4 Marina View, Cork. Occ(father): 'Waiter'. Inf: Mary Buckley of 30 Geraldine Place, present at birth. Baptised 19 May 1916 St. Finbarrs South Chapel. Wit: Charles J Lynch and Sarah O'Leary.
aka "Clare". Born 12/7/1926 in Stradbally. Died 12/10/1992 and buried Ferrybank, Waterford.
Aka "Breda". Born 14/10/1931, Breda died 7/12/2024 in Waterford.
aka "Denis". Born 11/01/1935 in Stradbally. Denis died 8/11/2021 in Waterford.
Born c1895 in Co. Cork. Died 15/2/1971. Buried Ferrybank.
{1901 census}: Addr: Caherea, Lisheen, Co. Clare.
Born 1890. Sgt in Manchester Regiment, 1/7th Battalion, No. 276096. Died of wounds in France & Flanders WWI on 9/9/1918. Buried St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, R.III, H.26, husband of Sarah Metcalfe, of 122 Ladybarn Rd., Fallowfield, Manchester.
Member of older Lehaknock families. Connection uncertain
Member of older Lehaknock families. Connection uncertain
Baptised August 1830 in Lehaknock.
Baptised 10 August 1833 in Lehaknock.
Baptised April 1837 in Lehaknock.
Baptised 31 January 1839 in Lehaknock.
Member of older Lehaknock families. Connection uncertain
Member of older Lehaknock families. Connection uncertain
Baptised July 1829 in Lehaknock.
Baptised 22 October 1834 in Lehaknock.
Member of older Lehaknock families. Connection uncertain
Member of older Lehaknock families. Connection uncertain
Baptised January 1830 in Lehaknock.
Baptised 7 September 1831 in Lehaknock.
Baptised 24 November 1833 in Lehaknock.
Baptised 10 July 1835 in Lehaknock.
aka "Susie". Born 27/5/1936. Susie died 12/2/2015 at 1am of cancer; Removal from Thompson's Funeral Home, Barrack Street, Waterford, Friday 13/2/2015, at 7.30pm, to The Sacred Heart Church, The Folly. Requiem Mass Saturday 14/2/2015, at 11am, followed by burial in Ferrybank Cemetery.
Born. 30/8/1937 in Dewsbury, Yorks. David died 11/3/1980 in Wolverhampton. {Calendar of wills}: of 127 Wolverhampton Road Sedgley Dudley West Midlands died 11 March 1980 Probate London 1 December.
Baptised June 1840 in Lehaknock.
aka "Ellie". Born 1/5/1892 at Lehaknock, Ennis, Co. Clare. Occ(father, Simon): 'Farmer'. Mother's surname: Burke.
Event(31/3/1901): Census. Addr: house 2 in Lehaknock, Killaniv, Clare.
Michael married Sarah Cammel (aka "Sally") in c1842.
Simon married Mary Burke on 10/4/1880 at Kilmaley Church. Addr(Simon): Lahaknock. Addr(Mary): Connolly. Occ(Simon): ‘Farmer’. Occ(Simon father, Michael): ‘Farmer’. Occ(Mary father, Thomas): ‘Farmer’ [1880/Q2/4/105].
Bridget married Patrick Phillips on 14/2/1864 at Kilmaley Church. Occ(Bridget's father, Michael): 'Farmer'. Occ(Patrick's father, Connor): 'Farmer'.
Jane married Anthony Barry on 9/2/1874 at Kilmaley Church. Age Jane: 20. Age Anthony: 26. Occ(Jane's father, Michael): 'Farmer'. Occ(Anthony's father, Anthony): 'Farmer'.
Michael married Margaret Griffin on 5/2/1921 at Kilmaley Church. Addr(Michael): "Lahenock". Addr(Margaret): Drimanure. Occ(Michael): ‘Farmer’. Occ(Margaret): 'Farmer's daughter'. Father(Michael): Simon. Father(Margaret): Michael. [1921/Q1/4/113].
Patrick married. Brigid Griffin at Kinsale Church, Co. Cork on 24/1/1924. Occ(Patrick): ‘Civic Guard’. Addr(Patrick): ‘Civil Guard Barracks Kinsale’. Addr(Bridget): Market Street Kinsale. Occ(Patrick father, Simon): ‘Farmer’. Occ(Brigid father, Denis): ‘Farmer’ [1924/Q1/5/237].
Sarah married Francis Edward Metcalfe in 1918 [1918/Q3/8d/403].
Denis married Susan M. O’Keeffe (aka Susie) on 5/8/1958.
Alfred married Philomena on 27 Sep 1951 in Ferrybank, Waterford. Wit: Patrick Buckley and Hanna Clare Frawley.
Breda married David Robert Peel in Gomersal, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire in 1962 [1962/Q3/2b/687].